Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Week Two #3, #4

I was hoping for some comments on my blog, but so far I am talking to myself!

I think this blog program is very usable once I figured (with lots of help from Christine) how to create a new user profile. I am considering creating a blog for special collections, and I would be interested in finding out from others what they think about a historical blog.

Here is good example that I might follow.


I at least succeeded in creating my blog and it is registered too!



Virtual Services Team said...

We're happy to hear that you are considering creating a blog for Special Collections. Here are some sites to visit (google search "special collections" blogs). Would like to see greater use of photos.





Virtual Services Team said...

You may wish to remove your photos and include them in actual blog entries. That may help with the layout. You can also change your template. Look at this CARL IT blog to see how they placed their photos in their blog entries.
